Thursday, December 25, 2008

"Aha Moments"

I get encouragements from different sources through magazines, books, audios, quotations, and sometimes from people.
I read an article in the Oprah magazine with regards to Timothy Hutton. On a whim or gut feeling, he took off to Paris “with a credit card, a passport, and a lot on my mind… the airport and then decide on a destination. I’d done some spontaneous things before……but nothing like this.” In Paris, he found freedom! He came back to the United States a different person clear to what he really wanted in his life.
Sometimes a spur of the moment a gut feeling tells you to take a path that you normally wouldn’t take, but it may be the path you need. I have not regretted the paths I have taken. Instead, I have learned from them. Paths are an anticipation on what lies ahead and it’s up to us to make it a great journey.

O, The Oprah Magazine (1-year)

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Great Quotes

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Thursday, December 18, 2008

EFT (Emotional Freedom Techique)

What makes a great Day?? Getting up in the morning and seeing the sunshine? Being grateful for another day of life? Or spending time with your friends or family member? What ever it is that makes you happy make it the best day ever!

I, like everyone around me has a cold! I went to work with it. I went to bed with it. And I still have it. But today I chose not to let it get me down. I performed the EFT last night before going to bed. Woke up feeling much better. And decided that today I was going to make it a great day.

How is this day any different? Because in spite of the cold, I chose to make it so. I was not going to let this cold take the joy out of living. I was not going to allow it to take the fun out of life! No my day is what I create it to be.

Hence, I got an invite to meet a friend for lunch. She surprised me by giving me a home warming gift for my new apartment. Which I was very grateful. Then she proceeds to tell me how her car was broken into right in front of her home in her driveway while she laid sleeping. OMG!

How was my day? My day was great for I chose it to be that way! Did I complain about my cold??? Uhh No!

To learn what EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) is and how it can help you in all areas of your life, visit the following website:

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Attract Miracles Referral Program

Get $12.50 recurring monthly commissions for referring members to membership - you can refer as many people as you want. We pay you each month for as long as your referrals stay members.

Monday, December 15, 2008

“Turn life's challenges into fuel for your success!” Nightingale-Conant

Actress Angela Lansbury commented on her first nomination for an OSCAR for her performance in the 1940’s movie GasLight:

She was glad that she did not win the OSCAR; for if she had, it would have made it hard for her to improve her performance. However, she was grateful for the nomination.

When we don’t receive what we want at the time, it is not because we don’t deserve it, it may be that we are not ready for it. The Universe sees the big picture. Everything we do has an impact on our lives and it is up to us to improve ourselves or not. We have that choice and by not making a choice it is a choice in itself.

"Tough Times Never Last But Tough People Do" by Dr. Robert Schuller

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Step by Step

Hence, by taking small steps and being patient I will reach my intentions that much quicker...

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Beginning

When I first learned the Secret I became so excited and expected miracles to take place. I hungered for the truth. I began to realize that there is more to the Secret. I needed to search for the meaning of the Law of Attraction. And only by understanding it would I be able to create my own life and make the necessary changes...

Hence, by taking small steps and being patient I will reach my intention that much quicker...

My dreams are cast above the waters and as the tide goes out it comes back. When my dreams are cast out they return to me fulfilled.

My Corvette Crystal Red Metallic Tint