Sunday, December 23, 2012

Stuart MacBride

I was introduced to an author by the name Stuart Macbride.

The first mystery novel titled Cold Granite was dark and mysterious. I thought it would be too graphic for it dealt with children missing and a serial killer. But Stuart kept it light and used words to describe the events as a pathologist would explain them. His background research showed in his manner of writing.

The location is Scotland cold and dark, winter season and Stuart describes it well. Aberdeen and the  FHQ with it's architectural design and the Grampian Police Force.

Logan McRae has shown that he is a good Detective Sargent and though he may do things differently and not always by the book his gut feeling guides him through the process of finding the missing link to put the criminals behind bars.

This series is a must read for those who enjoy a good mystery novel. Added to your list....

Thursday, December 20, 2012


I thought I would try the application on my mobile...I'm sitting here at Panera listening to a sales pitch about Web sites...not to me but to someone else...and I wonder of how much all this is true..the saying too good to be true comes to mind...I know there are legitimate MLMs but I've been burned by some I've become skeptical!!