That very night I uploaded pictures of Germany on fb to share with my family and friends on how wonderful were those days locked in my memory forever. For our visit to Germany under the military care was memorable.
So off I went the very next day in the afternoon searching for Yalaha???? Never heard of it...Florida?? no it couldn't be...what kind of name is that??? But go I must...and filling up my little car with gas off I road....hills...lots of trees...where was I?? no matter on I went...playing my music and camera ready....miles and miles and still no Yalaha...hmmm am I heading the right direction??
Just as I turn the corner why there is a post office..yes it says Yalaha...and a fire station...cemetary...ok people do live here...where is the town??? but more importantly where is this famous bakery??
And there it quaint and cute off to the side of the road on county rd 48..the parking lot is full...people are sitting outside on benches...a guy is singing and playing his from Germany...most be a club..and the cottage was there...yes with German design and flag blowing in the wind....ahhh nice...I was not disappointed...
Once inside, the smell of baked goods filled the air..ahhh I felt I was in Germany...people were friendly...more guests arriving the place is filling up...they come from everywhere..met a couple from is this place that famous?? according to the guests...yes it is....young and old enjoying the smell and culture of Germany...Germans,,,Italians,,,Spanish,,,Hungarians,,,and elsewhere..
I sat down and had bratwurst with sauerkraut and German potato salad...served with German of course for desert...what else??? German chocolate cake with strong German coffee....yes life is the way I did take pics...once developed I will post...but for now...below is the address of a wonderful place to visit and the ride was worth it!!!!!!

Yalaha Bakery
8210 County Road 48
Yalaha, FL 34797-3193
(352) 324-3366
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